Finding the Right Rhythm

Writing with style and flow.

Alec Zaffiro


Source: Unsplash

Written content.

Spoken word.

What if I asked you the difference between the two?

Well, that’s sort of a trick question. They are damn-near the same thing.

Writing never stops evolving. Ever.

The digital-age demands straightforward, free-flowing content; we continue to merge towards more conversational / informal tones.

But, it hasn’t always been this way. Crack open a book from the 19th century and you’ll quickly see how far we’ve come.

Writing evolves and shadows the day and age.

For the most part, we’ve gotten away from the temper and flows of eras before us. Nowadays, we frown upon complex wording and convoluted sentence structures. It’s easy to spot someone stretching to sound “intelligent” or vintage — typically, this just comes off as pompous. Research shows it’s not very effective, either.

By today’s standards, clear and concise takes the cake. 🎂

And if you want to eat it, too, you need a bit of style and flow.


While I do believe most people on Medium write in a simple fashion, I see a ton of room for…



Alec Zaffiro

I write to think and organize my ideas. I like psychology, philosophy, and self-improvement—em dashes are my specialty. Not an expert.*