I Have Writers Block

Alec Zaffiro
3 min readDec 2, 2021
Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

I’m a cerebral person. A thinker. Believe it or not, I listen to philosophical debates before bed most nights. I really do this. I forget it all the next day though.

You would never refer to me as a “dramatic” person.

I have the opposite issue.

I’m logical, unemotional. Yeah. I touch the realm of apathy probably.

Being fact-focused and stable has it’s advantages and disadvantages. You tend to require more information, so you ask more questions.

Asking questions is good. When you need to make important decisions though, this tendency to “question things” can become anti-productive.

Overthinking stifles creative, generative work.

This is where writers block stems from.

What Overthinking Really Looks Like

Overthinking is the taking of information that is there, then questioning if it should be there. It’s making the known suddenly unknown. How?

By moving stuff around.

By adjusting the way things are framed.

By restructuring information at no additional value.

Thinking becomes overly overt (and unproductive) once you begin to question the irrelevant…



Alec Zaffiro

I write to think and organize my ideas. I like psychology, philosophy, and self-improvement—em dashes are my specialty. Not an expert.*